Texas Instrument Control with the IMU

I’m having a bit of confusion understanding the TI Launchpad connection to the IMU because I cannot find related documentation (constructing the 8dof quadruped.) Where would the the IMU connect in this instance? Also, are the four Launchpads connected together?

Hi Emilia,

there is no direct way to connect the IMU to the TI Launchpads or similar. What kind of IMU are you using? Maybe it would be the easiest to have another USB cable for the IMU and plug it directly to the control PC.

The Launchpads are not connected together. Each one is plugged to a different CAN port on the PC.


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Hi Julian,

Thank you for your quick response. I was just wondering more along the lines about the connections themselves rather than any specific component. This makes sense to connect everything to the PC itself.