Microdriver Test Plan Seed

Has anyone ordered micro drivers from Seeed and provided test plan instructions that they would be willing to share?

Hi there,

here you find the test plan we used for our udriver order. Note that we haven’t received the cards yet and haven’t confirmed if things worked out with Seeed or not.


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Julian, thank you, much appreciated!!

Hey all,

I was working with Seeed a couple months back to order motor controller and master boards. Last I heard was right before Christmas about how the DRV83053PHPR and MAX17502EATB+ chips were still very back-ordered sadly. They told me they would email me again when news comes up about the resupply but no dice so far.

Has anyone else had better luck?

I have not. The MAX17502EATB+ is the bottleneck for me on the master board. I suspect I will hear the DRV83053PHPR is the issue with the motor controller. Using SEEED for both. Likely a terrible plan but, after some wiki/youtube research, I have sourced those components elsewhere and plan to assemble those components myself.

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Hey guys,

Just reviving this thread to give an update on my end. I recently was in contact with Seeed and found out from them that the DRV83053PHPR won’t be in supply again until May of next year.

Has anyone else had any better luck getting their hands on any udrivers or master boards? Do we know if PAL robotics have started to sell them? I’m down to pay extra to avoid that super long wait time :smiling_face_with_tear: