We recently received our custom PCBs for the master and driver boards. However, the US branch of Beta-Layout cannot assemble the boards, so we have to source both the electronics and do the soldering. Some of the electronics from the BOM appear to no longer be manufactured and are difficult/expensive to source. Additionally, we do not really have the capability to solder some of the smaller components for the boards. If anyone has suggestions on either of those issues please let us know.
Additionally, if any of the US-based groups can suggest how they sourced the boards that would be appreciated as well.
Hi adecastro,
for our lab in the US, we ordered the udriver from MacroFab 1 in the past. However, they have currently problems in getting all the parts. For the master boards, we ordered them from Seeed PCB Fusion 2. We are currently looking into ordering the udrivers from them as well.
Okay thanks Julian! For the Masterboards, did you make any edits to the gerber file because they put a DFA suspension on my order for some errors? I don’t have an easy way to edit the gerber file, so if you’re able to provide yours that would be greatly appreciated.
Hi adecastro,
when ordering the master board from Seeed there were some issues, yes. Sorry, I totally forgot about that and should have mentioned it earlier. The idea was to update the Gerber files to fix them, but I think this has not happened yet…
This is the DFA I was getting from Seeed PCB
and this is what I replied:
1/ <This one should be fixed by the BOM hopefully by now 1>
2/ From left to the right: U$5, U$6, U$4
3/ the right pad of d1 and d2 are the cathodes.
4/ the dot is pin 1
5/ From left to the right: U$3, U$1, L1
Also, you might want to give them a heads up about getting the color-LEDs right. they did it wrong first but luckily we managed to catch that before they shipped the boards.
Basically help them with this text
Note that for this LED. the edge on the corner marks the “3” and not the “1” pin like ususal. See the picture below.
and then include this drawing:

For reference, here are close up pictures of what it should look like (maybe you want to include this to make their lives easier):
Hope this helps. If you have any further question, feel free to send a screenshot of the DFA and I hope someone else on the forum can provide help.
Okay ya, ours looks something like this:
Alright, thanks for the heads up. I’ll try to let them know about the LEDs.
Thanks again for the help!
Hi Adecastro,
talking to SEEED PCB about this, I got this reply:
Because the engineer doing DFA is not the same, the requirements of each engineer are different, and the Gerber file you changed before is not updated synchronously.
Our engineers have checked the new file you gave me, and there is no problem at present. Please feel free to upload it.
Maybe you want to try again uploading your files to SEEED and let them know that we ordered the master board before through them?
Hope that helps.
Ya, I was able to fix the file on my own, but thanks for the help!