we haven’t actually tried flashing the master board yet, I’m in the process of getting everything setup and ready to go… However when powering the masterboard for the first time using the mini D1 dev board with the removed module as explained on the github site there’s nothing visible on the master board.
Aren’t we supposed to be seeing a power led showing that at least the board gets power or do we first need to run the fuse burning script for this? If so then maybe it’s worth adding in the documentation that there is no visible change on the master board when powering for the first time.
I hope to start flashing of the master board tomorrow, again without any decent knowledge about how all of this works… just trial and error and going through the github documentation. Let’s see how that goes.
so I tried flashing the master board, but unfortunately without result:
I’m beginning to wonder that I should be able to see a LED when the board is powered… I checked, but all the components are present… Using a multimeter with the diode checking function it seems both LEDs on the masterboard are not functioning. I also checked and the power connector is receiving 24volts so it seems that something else is wrong on the board.
I’ll have one of our electronics engineers have a look this week to figure out what the problem is.
I’ll let you know as soon as I know more.
When the master board is powered, the green LED D2 should light up. Can you check that VCC is at 3.3V?
This file will help your EE to debug your master board:
We will improve the flashing documentation based on your feedback.
Ciao Thomas,
It seems that the dc-dc converter is broken… It only outputs 0.5v
And of course I only ordered one of these MAX17502EATB+T, no clue why.
I’ve ordered another 5 pieces that should arrive by the end of the week, hopefully we’ll manage to desolder the one currently on the masterboard and place a new one, but it’s not easy because of the connection on the bottom of this chip.
Thanks for your help,
Ok, it is possible that the problem comes from something else like a short circuit. the MAX17502EATB is protected against over current. If you look with an oscilloscope and analyse the output VCC close to the MAX17502EATB, you might see this waveform:
This would mean that the problem is not from the MAX17502EATB itself, but from something else draining to much current…
I hope this help…
Could you share a high resolution picture of your assembled board ? We might be able to spot something…
For example, as raised by @fgrimminger the pin indicator of the ws2812b LEDs is kind of misleading… The dot on the PCB represents the pin 1, but on the LED the triangle corner represent the opposite pin, pin 3…
I’ll document this better on the github.
Ciao Thomas,
In case the triangular indicator should not be aligned with the dot on the PCB then I guess we have found the problem.
Both of these LEDs are actually mounted with the triangular indicator pointing to the dot
Hopefully that’ll be the only issue and once we replace those the masterboard will work.
I’ll let you know the outcome,
and just to add, here’s two pictures of the assembled master board, top and bottom side:
So rotating those two LEDs 180 degrees solved the issue and the green LED on the master board is now lit indicating it has power.
However the screenshot I shared above is still the same… in the command line I’m going to the location where the espefuse python script is located and I execute it, but I get below error about a path not found:

What step am I skipping here?
Indeed the LED are mounted in reverse. The manufacturer really made a strange choice indicating PIN 3 instead of 1… I’ve just update the LED footprint. The silkscreen layer now shows a triangle opposed to the dot.

Sorry for this… Keep us updated !
About the error you have. The file “not found” is actually not a real file but the serial port /dev/ttyUSB0.
I see that you are using Windows to program the board right? Unfortunately we have never played with esptool on windows… I know windows is managing the serial port quite differently, and /dev/ttyUSB0 is a linux convention.
Could you try to add the -p COM1
to the esptool command line?
Otherwise, Could you try to program the board on a linux station?
Hi Thomas,
I tried using:
python set_flash_voltage 3.3V -p COM1
however this gives a similar error saying it can’t open the COM1 port
I’ll give it someone here with a Linux station and have them flash it…
Thank you for the help.