Hip Module vs Upper Leg Module


I ordered some weeks ago twice the hip_module_base and hip_module_cover and one lower leg to build a leg. Looking at this repository. I can see that the hip module and the upper leg module are not the same. I guess the upper leg shells look only slightly different due to asthetics, so I should be able to use twice the same actuator module build with hip_module_shells right?


Hi Yannick,

Yes, this will work. The difference is only for the base shells. The hip_module_shell_base has an extra whole to let wires go into the body of the solo8 robot. Otherwise the two shell types are identical.


Hi Yannick,

that’s right - for the Solo12 robot we have removed two features that are not required for the upper leg module.
That is the opening for the wires and the two attachment points (screenshot below).
For the v1 leg you can use the hip module as the upper leg module.
Best. Felix