Hi everyone,
My team and I are thinking about buying the encoder kit with the AEDT 9810 encoder and 5000 cpr codewheel. I wanted to ask if anyone had any experience with modifying the codewheel, particularly removing the codewheel’s aluminum collar (flange) on a lathe. How easy or difficult was the process? How did you mount the codewheel to the lathe? Did you ever damage the codewheel while machining?
If you can answer some or all of these questions, or have any other general advice, it would be appreciated.
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we have done so at our mechanical workshop, they have quite some experience, but still the machining was difficult for them.
We also found that some of the codewheels were scratched and the machining was not straight on all of the codewheels.
We’re currently only able to read 2 of the 12 encoders on the robot and we’re suspecting this is related to the machined codewheels. We have now ordered the codewheels from PWB.
I suggest you to do the same as machining the codewheels is cumbersome and getting the PWB codewheels is not much more expensive than machining the codewheels.
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our machine shop at MPI Tübingen made an aluminum mount to hold the codewheels.
They used a M3 screw, with a metal and a plastic washer to clamp it.
You can apply some tape to protect the disc from scratching.
Use ethanol and a soft cloth to clean the discs after you remove the tape.
Best. Felix
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I run into the same difficulties. I am going to tell you how we did it. My part was the preparation part. That means putting on both sides some double glueing tape and print thin 3D covers on the sensible parts. After that I gave the disks to the workshop. They spanned the disk from inside and then used the lathe to take the aluminum away. Then I took the 3D covers away with a tweezer and cleaned it with some aceton. I recommend though to order directly the custom encoder wheels and the off-the-shelf encoder emiter. You will save time, it doesn’t cost much more and you don’t have the lathe uncertainty.