Variable Horizon MPC Controller for Bolt

Hi all,

I hope everyone is doing well and safe :slight_smile:
I’m just posting to ask if there were any updates about the “Variable Horizon MPC with Swing Foot Dynamics for Bipedal Walking Control” controller as seen in this video from last year:
and its simulator.

Even if it’s not fully cleaned up for non-experts I would still love to peruse the open source code to learn! But of course, no rush!


Hi Roy,

The code is now open source, you can find it here GitHub - machines-in-motion/reactive_planners

If you have any problem, please open an issue on Github and we try to get back to you as soon as we can…



Hey majid, hope you’re holding up well! After some tinkering on my side I was able to get the repo setup properly (I had some python issues so I nuked my computer and started from fresh and everything suddenly worked haha). Though, an issue with the controller itself keeps popping up. I opened up an issue on the github as suggested :slight_smile: