Have no 3.3V power on MCU TMS320F2806

Hello, ODRI team! Thank you for your awesome project!

Sorry for having such a specific problem.

I got access to the hardware that somehow tried to build solo12 from earlier. It is known that all micro drivers were working before. However, now some of the micro drivers do not work.

I did the following:

  1. I supplied 24V power to the driver. However, none of the LEDs lit up. I also checked the 3.3V and 5V power, but they were about 1V.
  2. I unsoldered the 5V and 3.3V regulators, supplied voltage from an external laboratory power supply to the 3.3V line, but the power supply says that there is a short circuit on the line.
  3. I unsoldered the level shifter, can driver and led driver. The same behavior.
  4. I started examining the MCU. The VDD1-6 lines of the controller are ringing to GND, while the capacitors C1, C2, C22, C23, C5, C6 are fine. Although on another micro drivers that works well, these lines to the GND are not called.

I need help, maybe someone has ideas.
a) Could this behavior be a consequence of errors in the firmware due to voltage drops or something like that?
b) Is it possible to somehow “reset” the MCU or is it most likely “burned out”?