Output pulley machining alternatives


Inria Paris purchased 2 Solo-12 kits from Pal Robotics.
We’ve already acquired all the necessary tools for the assembly, and we will receive the kits shortly.

But there is one step that seems a bit tricky for us : it’s the output pulley preparation (more precisely adjusting the Output Shaft Diameters).
In fact, we don’t have any easy access to a lathe.

Thus, we were wondering if there were some alternative method to this step, that still ensures a tight fit with the bearing.


Hello Etienne,

o.k. - great - good luck with putting those robots together!

Yes - there is an alternative way to adjust the pulley diameters if you don’t have access to a lathe.
I made a simple 3d printed tool that can be used with an electric drill.
We pressfit a Ø5mm x 40mm steel pin into the 3d printed part.

You can then insert the tool into the electric drill and push the output pulley onto the interface.
Rotate the part with moderate speed and use a flat file to reduce the diameter slowly.
Try to keep the file parallel to the surface.

Check the diameter every couple of turns by trying to insert the pulley into the bearing or by measuring the diameter. You should be able to install and uninstall the pulleys with moderate force.
When the diameter is correct you can turn the pulley around and modify the opposite side.

Best wishes,

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Hello Felix,

This method looks very good, we will do this.
Thank you very much.
