Interested in making a modified, less expensive Solo12?

I think this is the common problem: it is expensive to build it without proper Funding.
I was trying the same thing, a solo-12 for less than 2,000 usd.
I came to a conclusion that:

  • Microdriver is cheaper and smaller considering the bandwidth.
  • IMU -kinda hard to escape expensive ones, unless you use vision or other trick. Noise and drift are not fun.
  • Lower resolution encoder limit the possibilities too much, you get it working but the trade-off is not being able to explore better controllers and go between simulation to hardware easier.
  • Payload and the mechanical design can be improved by using Circular Wave Drives. Add Cost and complexity.

I found that I dont have the resources to build the solo-12 so my hope was to find ppl here to trade so I could build 1 leg with those price reductions of bulk orders.