So the Antigravity ESC is a sensorless ESC and cannot be used for position control application.
About the “built in PID” I guess you are talking about a position control loop running on the motor controller right?
The Veronte GIM3 is closer to what we need, but I couldn’t find a complete documentation. My concern is that it might not allow you to set position, velocity AND torque references at the same time. Let me explain…
High frequency position and velocity feedback embedded in the motor controller is indeed preferable, closing the loop entirely on a remote computer is much more challenging because of the lower control frequency and increased latency. In the same time, if you want to take advantage of the ODRI actuator, and control the “cartesian stiffness” of robot, you want to be able to send torque commands.
What we think to be the best, is to be able to have a low level impedance control (position and velocity feedback) with adjustable (and low) gains, plus a feedforward torque term.
i_q = Kp(position_ref - position) + Kd(velocity_ref - velocity) + i_q_feedforward
i_q is the motor current commands (proportional to the joint torque)
i_q_feedforward is the output of a higher level controller performing for example task space inverse dynamics, leg impedance control or simply gravity compensation.
So Kp and Kd would correspond to the P and D of the PID. We do not want to have an integral (I) term because we want to do force control. The integral term would kill the feedforward term and make the joint position controlled.
I began to list the controllers that I had in mind here, again we did not test any of them…
I only listed the open source solution.
About Odrive controller, It’s a great project with a very active community. I was following it at the beginning, and from what I remembered, they had problems with motor with low inductance (this is what we have) You might want to ask them in this forum https://discourse.odriverobotics.com/
I was a bit disappointed when they decided to close source the hardware…
Best, Thomas