Should i adjust the PID control parameters in the udrive2 for Bolt?

Hi, felixwidmaier

Thank you for quick replies!

My control gains is
kp = 6.0
kd = 0.05,
there are a little of numerical value different for different joint.

yes, you are right. Increasing the D-gain can help to reduce the oscillation of the velocity.

I have added gravity compensation as a feedforward term, as @thomas.flayols says in link Significance of feed forward torque term in motor control loop?, or else, high gain easily make the joint controller diverge.

I ran dozens of tests to adjust the gains, kp be in range of [3~10], kd in range of [0.02~0.2] . that position trajectory plot is one of my best result, but maybe not good enough yet. So I don’t know if I need to adjust the PID parameters on the udriver2?

Yours Sincerely,